PIM is a data centralization solution based on a cloud system to allow the whole structure to work more easily and quickly. This thanks to immediate access to this data in order to better exploit it. In order to boost a company's turnover, the use of PIM is essential. What return on investment does the adoption of PIM imply?

PIM saves your company time

Because a PIM software is based on a cloud system that allows your employees to process product data, each department will be able to save valuable time at work. Thus, everyone will be able to devote themselves to other tasks that represent more added value to further increase the company's turnover. Now, thanks to PIM, there are no more long meetings to consult on product updates, for example. All you have to do is process the product features online and everything will be automatically displayed online on the company's website. The faster and more instantly this is done, the richer and more relevant your product data will be to attract the maximum number of targets.

PIM enables a better product experience for the customer

Thanks to the PIM solution, your targets will be able to observe your product from all angles: colors, formats, mode of use, etc. It's a memorable digital experience that will greatly reassure the customer. It will give them a precise idea of what they would expect if they were to buy the product. Once your product data is relevant, there's nothing to stop the customer from making the purchase. They are reassured and have complete confidence in the quality of the item you are selling as long as the photos, product features, usage, and care instructions are clear. Overall, PIM boosts the company's sales and, by the same token, its turnover.

PIM minimizes returns of sold products

When a customer is familiar with your product through the implementation of a well-thought-out PIM solution, they will not feel cheated once the delivery has been made. They know what they are getting and what they are dealing with. As a result, he can only come out of it satisfied. Know that a customer who has had a memorable product experience is sure to come back for purchase from you. They may even encourage others to buy from you. This represents a considerable return on investment for your company.