For a long time remained the prerogative of computer programmers and web developers, creating a website is nowadays an activity that can be done by all people passionate about the web. The knowledge of some notions of programming is not really useful anymore to create a website. The multitude of platforms offering to create your website for free, easily, directly, and even quickly has revolutionized in a way the job of webmaster or webmaster. What is a website? What is a web host? How to create a website easily and for free? What are the skills to have to get there as quickly as possible?

What is a website exactly?

Web platform accessible via an internet address, the website or website is a set of web pages most often linked together by links, dealing with topics related to the same central theme. Presented in a static form (content identical in time) or dynamic form (content in a permanent update), the website can be a showcase to present the products and services offered by a person, an institution, a company, etc… It can also be a space for exchanging and sharing information and practical advice on specific topics. Complex activity in the past, it is now possible for almost everyone to create a free website, easily and quickly. There are several types of websites. These are showcase sites, e-commerce sites, institutional sites, blogs of all kinds. These platforms can be accessed through web browsers without which terminals (computers, tablets, smartphones, etc.) would not be able to display them. The websites all have a web address which is both their domain name and the way to find them among the multitude of sites existing on the web.

But it is impossible to do without a web hosting site.

The term “Host” is recurrent. It is, therefore, necessary to explain their important role in demystifying the creation of websites. Once on the internet, the pages created are like homeless people. However, to be easily found by Internet users looking for them, they need to live somewhere. This is why the role of web hosting companies is vital. They allow to assign a web address to the created sites, and they teach them to speak the web language. Hosting providers also strongly support the designers in the creation process. Indeed, with their various illustrated guides that clearly show people who do not master computer codes and languages how to create a site easily, hosters are the greatest accomplices of web designers. In short, web hosts are important because they serve in fact on the one hand to allow sites to be seen by all those who search for them on the web and on the other hand to allow them to be seen as they were created by their designers.

No more panic, everyone is capable of it

The first method is to use free FTP software. Indeed, the latter serves as a relay between the source software of the file and the host. Thus, the files produced in a language not adapted to the web can be found at the host in a web language thanks to the relay software. It is however necessary to know the IP address of the domain name because the files work with IP addresses rather than URL addresses. The second method is to do everything directly on the internet. If the first method seems a little complicated, it is possible to go directly to the host’s site and let yourself be guided through the different steps that make up this process. Finally, it should be pointed out that free offers have a few flaws. They do not allow you to have a domain name but a sub-domain name with the host’s trademark. The domain names themselves are paid for, but their costs are so low that they are close to free.