Some reforms are taking place at the enterprise level. The implementation of SSC is an integral part of these reforms and is revolutionizing the environment within the organization. Discover through these few lines what it is really about.

What is the CSE?

The Social and Economic Committee is a unique body that represents the staff. It is the result of the unification of employee delegates, the works council and the health, safety and working conditions committee. It came into force on January 1, 2018 and will be operational in all companies with more than 11 employees as of January 1, 2020. This is a real revolution in the world of employee representation, as the CSE will be responsible for representing all employees before the employer, although the employee representatives that have been appointed will always remain in their place. It is an integral part of the reform of the labor code having been introduced by the Macron order n°2017-1387. For more information, please read the CSE guide.

What are its missions?

The main missions of the CSE concern the representation of the employees within the employer. It is in charge of presenting the various claims from employees and giving them freedom of expression. As for the general organization of the organization, the CSE holds an important role which is to define all the working conditions which remain to be improved in the company in order to propose the measures. It is also in charge of monitoring health and safety in the entire scope of the company and is responsible for appointing one of the members to accompany the control officer in charge of the labor inspection. To put it more simply, the social and economic committee is set up to relay working conditions that could be improved in the company so as not to hinder employees in their efficiency at work. In addition, it has a right of alert, which further strengthens its involvement in employee representation.

The composition of the CSE

The committee is composed of the employer, designated as president, and a staff delegation consisting of titular members including a secretary and a treasurer, as well as alternates. A titular member of the CSE may participate in the meetings. These persons will benefit from several obligatory trainings of the CSE in order to carry out their missions.